Monday, May 20, 2013

Development Pipeline

Development of 'Joey'

Project Idea

The goal of this project is to demonstrate my abilities to program a short platformer game. This will involve creating assets, importing them into Unreal Development Kit, and programming in Unrealscript. Originally,  Joey was a story of a robot that was forced into solving visual math problems in a futuristic testing facility. I have since changed that to: Joey is a program that takes control of a compatible robot model, and tries to escape his containment and testing facility against the wishes of an unknown master program. The environment and character inspirations are very clean and white like these images:


Character Concept
Skinning process
Finished model in 3ds

First import into UDK

Sliding doors models

"Cin" splashart

Joey loading screen

Fullscreen development images:


Here is a short demo of the beginning of the current version of the game.

Joey Demo (v.011)

Download Link: coming 6/12/13!

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